
Sunday, June 25, 2017

What is CPD? What is PLN?

What is CPD?
CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development. It refers to the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that you gain both formally and informally as you work, beyond any initial training. It's a record of what you experience, learn and then apply. The term is generally used to mean a physical folder or portfolio documenting your development as a professional. Some organisations use it to mean a training or development plan, which I would argue is not strictly accurate. This article is about CPD as a process of recording and reflecting on learning and development.
The CPD process helps you manage your own development on an ongoing basis. It's function is to help you record, review and reflect on what you learn. It's not a tick-box document recording the training you have completed. It's broader than that.

What is PLN?

Imagine being able to walk into a room filled with the very best education professionals, selected by YOU, and having a conversation with them!
It can be as long or as short as you want, and as in-depth as you have time for. Perhaps you might discuss ways to teach various concepts, learn about resources that others are using, or maybe even have conversations that challenge the way you think about education and teaching.
This is exactly what a Personal Learning Network (PLN) can bring to you!”

"What is Continuing Professional Development (CPD)? - Careers Advice." N.p., n.d. Web. 25 June 2017.

"What the heck is a PLN?" A Teacher's Journey. N.p., 02 Oct. 2013. Web. 25 June 2017.

I attach a video in which personal learning network is explained very clearly, enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Daniela,

    First of all, I want to mention that the topics you chose to write about are crucial for us as prospective teachers so I think that post like this need to be written more frequently. In addition, the way in which you develop the ideas into paragraphs is very clear. First you described what CPD is and its advantages for teachers and the photo ilustrated very well how it works. The same happens when you started talking about PLN. Apart from that I really appreciate you included references. The colours and the photos you used are great to have an enjoyable reading.

