
Saturday, June 10, 2017

Using technology to learn and teach listening skills

Technology has been use in several ways to improve people lives. In that context, internet has been use as a tool to find and spread useful information. 

One of the most beneficial aspect of technology is that it is seems to be easy acquiring a new language, because you can find lots of programs that will help you to succeed. A part from been challenging, the decision of learn a new language; we should consider that we are living in a century where communication has been essential for us. Languages are the way of communicate ideas, knowledge, opinions, experiences and principally to learn about different cultures, and this is essentially why learning languages  has been crucial, the more you learn, the more you will share with different cultures.

Focusing on listening skills of the process of acquiring a new language, one of the most useful tool has been using TEDtalks, in order to practice my listening and reading skills. It is constructive as you can add captions to each talk in the language that you prefer, in that manner it will help you to make connections among what you are listening and what you are reading to finally understand what is has been communicated. In addition to that, this technology can be used for both, practicing a language and learning about several topics which are presented in the talks. TEDtalks are shown in a way that is difficult to distract as there are presented in summarized performances where orators develop their themes of investigations to an audience that have similar interests.

I do not think there is a specific limitation, apart from that you should share likes in the topics presented.

The following presentention is a TEDtalk, which is related to languages, principally to English. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Daniela,

    I agree with you that TEDtalks is a very useful online tool to teach English. Apart from training listening you can also acquire knowledge about a wide variety of interesting topics and issues wich are discussed worldwide. Despite the fact that I really like how you organized the information and ideas in your post It was difficult for me to read with letters in pink. Moreover, the entry is a litte bit bland in terms of ilustration, I would have liked to see more images. I hope you consider my advice in your next entry.

