
Sunday, June 4, 2017

More than words

As prospective teachers it is crucial to being aware about the changes that are currently affecting classrooms in relation to technology and language acquisition.
There are several learning tools at the service of educators. One of the tools for learning vocabulary is Quizlet, in which students can learn vocabulary in different activities, as using flashcards.

There are several ways to learn vocabulary and one of its is through flachcards. Through the tool Quizlet we can create our own flashcards and activities that can be use to teach and learn. The use of this technology is easier to produce material for learning, specially to flascards methodology.

It is attractive for young learners learn through this type of methodology, as using images visuals for presenting, training and teaching languages have been considered a useful tool for teachers. also, this methodology can be use with people that poccess spatial intelligence, without age limit.

In language learning can be limited by the technological problems that are part of some places, as some schools do not have access to internet, computers or technological devices to present the material.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Daniela,

    I want to say that I do like your post. I appreciate very much that you included technical words related to the educational area, such us language adquisition and prospective teachers. Besides, the paragraphs are well organized and the information is very clear. What I missed in your post was more images and colours considering that quizlet is a playful online tool for learning.

