
Saturday, June 10, 2017

Using lyrics and music

Using music for acquiring new languages is an excellent idea, principally because music is inspirational for most of us. In addition to that, there are a vary of types of music for all likes, as alternative, blues, rock, classical, country, dance, electronic, hip hop, among others.
According to Zeromskaite, an increasing number of studies have put forward the possible benefits of music training on non-musical learning domains such as verbal intelligence, executive function, creativity, arithmetic processing and linguistic abilities (Gibson, Folley, & Park, 2009; Hoch & Tillman, 2012; Moreno et al., 2009, 2011; Zeromskaite, 2014). That is why music can be considered a an extraordinary tool to work with, especially with teenagers, which day by day they are getting more involved and represented by it.


Zeromskaite, I., (2014). The Potential Role of Music in Second Language Learning: A Review Article. Journal of European Psychology Students. 5(3), pp.78–88.

Following, you will find an activity that was named You`ve got a friend in me, in relation to the song which is part of the movie Toy Story.

Activity`s length: 1 hour and 30 minutes
First Part:

 -On the internet, search for ‘’ and the song ‘you`ve got a friend in me’.

-Ask the student what they know about the song, or people who have sung it.

-Ask what they think the song might be about, and if they can predict any of the ‘content’ words they think are likely to be in the song.

-Play the song and ask the students to listen and see if any of the words they predicted appear in the song. Give a prize for the person who predicted most words correctly.

-Display the lyrics for the students to see and get them to compare in pairs who has written the most words down correctly.

Second Part:
Discussing the meaning of the song.

Students will answer the following questions.

- Have you ever watched the movie Toy Story?

-Do you know what is the movie about?

-Which is the main topic of the song?

- Do you remember any toy that has special meaning to you?

-What do you think about friendship?

This activity was created to highschool students, which can analise the activity with critical thinking.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Daniela,

    This is a very interesting entry. I do enjoy reading your post. I am convinced that it is impossible to live without music owing to all the benefits that it gives to us. Once I heard that people who are skillfull in learning languages are also skillfull in all the aspects that music involves so it would be wonderful if we as teachers of english include musical activities in our lessons.
    Talking about your learning activity, it caught my attention how you introduce it by considering the background of your students. As I said in the other entries, I really like how you organize your ideas.

